Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just Another Tuesday

Not sure why, but every time I wander past this statute I get a chill. We have other naked statutes in Wrocław but none register on my personal thermometer. I just get dang cold when I see this guy! I took this with my new camera! Craig is teaching me some cool things and my Photoshop class helps too!

Had a busy weekend with friends. We were invited to a potluck dinner Saturday night where we were the only couple not made up of different nationalities. I tried to convince everyone that Craig is from Iowa so that should count but no one bought into that one. We had a gorgeous day on Sunday so we took a long walk by the Hala Stulecia and Japanese Gardens. Of course we took many pictures and are busy working more magic on them.

We have another big adventure planned for February. We will be going to Venice for the kick-off weekend of the Carnivale. This is the Italian version of Mardi Gras and should be a blast. Last year we were in Dresden, Germany on Valentine's Day and this year in Venice, Italy. Kind of beats Oakdale, huh???? We are then taking a train to Milan where Craig returns home and just the "girls" continue on our way. We plan on visiting sites in France, the French Alps, Geneva Switzerland and the Swiss Alps before returning to Florence Italy to spend our final few days (including a trip to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa). In total I will be on the road for 16 days. Wow...hope our retirement fund doesn't take too big a hit!

It will be nice to get away from the sludge of Wrocław! We are in a continual state of spring thaw. I guess that is not a bad thing from a temperature perspective but it sure raises havoc on the footwear! We have far more snow this year than last, with temperatures above freezing everyday and overnight temps below zero. The roads and sidewalks are slimy during the day and down right treacherous at night with icy spots where slush and water once flowed. I now see the merits of snow removal. I wish the Polish people actually used shovels on their sidewalks. I should buy myself a good pair of golf shoes with spikes for my daily walks. Oliver isn't exactly thrilled either. His little legs get VERY wet and exceptionally dirty each and every time we leave the apartment. He sees the bathtub much more regularly (what joy that is)!

No plans yet for this weekend - which isn't a bad thing! We do drive ourselves batty in this little apartment at times - but having no plans sounds pretty good at the moment!

Please indulge me with a few personal shout-outs:

Kelly M: I haven't mailed off your package yet. I'm having problems finding a box...arghhhhhh
Aunt Karen and Uncle Bill: Happy Anniversary!!! Sorry we missed the big party!
Michael: Congrats on making the Dean's List!
Jeff M: Craig recommends you start wearing your bike helmet all year round to avoid headaches (wink)!

To everyone else pass on a smile to a stranger. It will warm your heart, even if the temperatures might be well below freezing!

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