Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We're Baaaaaack!

Just a quick update to let all of you know we arrived back to Poland safely and unscathed. Started out roughly when I left my camera in the G-man's car but it was safely returned to me before take-off. I probably should have brought him a few cans of Guiness but figure he will be happy with a brew from the Spiz.

I will give a full update on our trip to Dublin - including a chance encounter with someone who actually chose to fly from Ireland to Iowa for a visit - a great concert, lots of rain, a trip to a brewery and everything in between. But right now I have 182 pictures to download and sort, groceries to be bought (let's hope they have onions today), a dog to pick up from the Pet Hotel and a husband to be picked up from work. Yes, I dropped him off today and got myself back to the apartment without incident!!

Three more weeks and we touch down in Rome. Hopefully, I get the luggage down to the storage room before I need to bring it all back upstairs (I will accept bets).

Will post pictures (and maybe the obligatory fountain picture) soon.

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